Reinforce the Local Economy

We value economic opportunities, creating paths to economic growth. For example:


Expanding access to childcare

Access to affordable childcare is a primary concern for many working parents. Our community has several excellent childcare providers, but we have reached the point where we must expand our capacity in order to support the growing workforce necessary to keep our economy healthy. Click below to learn more about the City’s plans for a federally-funded childcare facility. Read the funding request here, and the letters of support from community leaders here.

Rail-Grade Separation on Hwy 27 Memorial Bridge

The current bridge between east and west sides of Little Falls crosses the railroad tracks. This means that when a train is passing through town, traffic can become backed up and lead to potentially dangerous delays in emergency healthcare, as well as the slowing of the flow of commerce between the two halves of the city. A new bridge is coming in 2025-2026 that goes over the railroad tracks, reconnecting the two halves of the city and allowing freer movement for everyone.

Benefits of the local option sales tax

A local option sales tax would represent a tiny fraction of a percent increase in sales tax for the city, but its cumulative impact would be enormous. With the additional revenue generated by sales, the City would be able to fund the construction of a community center where our children could play and community groups could meet.

Do you have thoughts about the projects listed here? Let us know!